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Troop 409 prides itself on being entirely scout run.  Our youth leaders are responsible for the planning and execution of all troop activities and for the teaching of scouting skills to their peers.  Adult volunteers provide mentorship and handle the day-to-day administrative needs of the troop, while all decisions concerning the troop's program come from the scouts.


Youth Driven

Adult Supported

Youth Leaders

Troop 409 uses a progressive leadership model in which scouts who show readiness for leadership positions are nominated and elected by their peers during bi-annual elections.  Leadership positions range from Patrol Leader, where a scout is responsible for organizing a group of scouts, to Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, where a scout plans and executes the troops' meetings and activities.  At all levels, our youth leaders are responsible for teaching scout skills to those they lead and mentoring them in their own leadership development.


Adult Leaders

Troop 409 relies on a volunteer staff of experienced scoutmasters to oversee the troop's administration and to mentor and guide our youth leaders.  Many of our staff are former scouts and several are Eagle Scouts, all of whom are dedicated to the success of the troop.  In much the same way that our youth leaders teach scouting and leadership skills to our scouts, the experienced staff and active alumni of the troop guide the newer staff, ensuring that a strong leadership foundation will support the troop for many years to come.

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